The Sanborn's Travel Web Site | |
Pat and I love to travel and what better way to share some of these trips than to put together our own travelogue web site. As we travel around the world and in our own back yards, we will continue to show you new things and places from our pictures. What follows is a sampling of some of those places we have visited. Go to The Travel Pages to see the trips. |
Two years earlier, we went to the island of Cuba. The influences of history from Spain to Africa are everywhere. What took us there was to learn about how Cuba is a microcosm of cultures from the Caribbean to the revolution. | |
Long a land of mystery and adventure from Marco Polo to pirates of the South China Sea. I first traveled from Beijing to Tibet to Hong Kong to see over 5,000 years of history of China in Sept. 2000. I have now made a total of seven trips to China, the most recent in September 2010. | |
Like Columbus landing in the new world, we do like to explore, see people, places, and what makes this world wonderful. If you want to see more of our travels, go to The Travels Page ! We have also been to Africa, Europe, and parts of the Americas but those will have to wait till I get the slides scanned. I do love these digital cameras. | |
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